We understand that as companies change and grow, so too, can employees and their functions within the company. We take the privacy, security, and integrity of our customers' accounts very seriously. Should the Primary Contact or other Contacts of the account have their status change, (such as title change, or are no longer with the company), or if a company's name changes, we will be happy to assist you in updating your account records.
You can update your primary, billing, and technical contact at any time via the 2.0 Control Panel. For account contact changes outside of the 2.0 platform, or to ensure that billing contact info is updated within our billing portal, please provide us with a written request (sent to [email protected]) for processing. Please note that we do not accept any requests sent via 'On Behalf As' nor are we able to accept requests to update your account information over the phone without security verification steps.
- Requests must originate from the head of the company (ie: Owner/CEO/President) and be on official company letterhead and attached as a .pdf file. A copy of this authorization will be attached to your account for future reference and to protect the integrity of the account. A copy of this authorization may be requested at any time by the Primary Contact on the account by emailing [email protected] and we will be happy to provide you with the requested copy of authorization.
- Requests must state the following:
- Individual's full name
- Role within the company
- Full email address
- Telephone number (including area code)
- Level of access to the account. (Primary, Primary Billing Contact, Billing Contact or Technical Contact).
- Multiple Billing Contacts may be added, however, only one individual may be designated as the Primary Billing Contact of record. While Billing related information may be released to other listed Billing contacts, please note that only the Primary Contact or the Primary Billing Contact of record may authorize charges such as Professional Services, etc. Please note that Technical Contacts are no longer authorized to request these services. Billing information will only be released to either the Primary Contact, Primary Billing Contact of record or the designated Billing contacts. Please note that Technical Contacts are no longer authorized to request any Billing related information.
For company name and address changes, though you can update information in the control panel, we do appreciate written notification from your account's Primary or Billing contact so that we can ensure it carries through to all of our subsystems.