Power BI Pro is an individual license service add-on that can be applied to most Microsoft Office 365 plan types. Pro allows access to all content and capabilities within the Power BI service, including the ability to integrate and share content between SharePoint, Office 365 and Teams. For additional information on which features are elusive to Power BI Pro and the differences between the Free Online version, Pro and Pro Premium such as features on how to share dashboards, subscribe to dashboards and reports, please review the available Power BI features by license types.
The PowerBI Pro feature comes with select Microsoft Office 365 products and we have provided a few direct links to help you with your organization product planning, For a list of the plans that include Power BI or Power Pro please review the Office 365 Plan Options. Need to Log in, Download Power BI. or Enabling New Office 365 Services?
For a more in depth understanding of the Government offerings associated with the Power BI Pro product, and overall view of the GCC features available to your organization please review the following document: